Positivism in Software Development
How do you keep being positive when so many things are wrong?
The more you learn about your craft, the more you find patterns and good practices that make your job easier and healthier for you and your team.
The problem is that there are constantly new people that you will work with that haven't learned those things. If you don't keep a list of the most important things you think are necessary for a successful project, you will have a hard time being positive when you make or suffer someone else's error for the fiftieth time.
If something goes wrong, you need to channel your frustration to the right place as soon as possible. You need to transform the current problem into a learning step for a better future. You need to sit with everyone involved and find out why things went wrong and how to fix them. Document these ideas to make sure everyone now and in the future is aware of the destructive patterns or techniques.
If you don't transform the errors into learning lessons, you will accumulate and have a hard time being positive with your team. Keep the wheel going forward by fueling your error into feedback to your team.